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Responsive Website Designing: Why It Is Mandatory?

Responsive Website Design are those website design that aims to make web pages render well on a variety of devices and are convenient to use and ensure usability and satisfaction. Using techniques like flexible images, fluid proportion-based grids an extension of media rule makes a website design responsive website design. It has become important for the mobile users also as a majority of website visitors are using it with mobile. Looking at this scenario, google announced Mobilegeddon in 2015, that is the name of a google search engine. The primary effect of this update was to boost the page ranking of mobile friendly sites to make it mobile user friendly.

Earlier when website design was just introduced, then the pages were specially built to target a particular screen size. The concept of responsive website design appears when more diverse screen sizes became available. Responsive website design is very important to boost the number of visitor or customer and also it helps to boost the ranking of the website.

Here are few points that explains why Responsive Website Design are Mandatory: -

1- It helps to get higher search rankings
A well designed and responsive website really helps to get higher search rankings. Best practices and relevant content make the website visitor friendly website that increases the value of the website as well as ranking.

2- Increases traffic
The more customer will visit the website the more the traffic will increase and a highly ranked website leads to more traffic. According to research, nearly 29% of people click on the top result when they search something on google in which 16% goes with second result and 11 % on third result.

3- Increases profit
A responsive website attracts the visitors and increases the trust, that will make the visitors to try your product or services that leads to the profit.

4- Easy maintenance-
With highly responsive website, u don't need to make small and minor changes every other day. Once you will maintain the website, there will no change or correction until it required.

5- It helps lower the bounce rate
The customer will not easily bounce to another website if it will responsive, takes less time for loading, user friendly and having relevant content. On the other hand, if your website is slow or difficult to use your potential customer will simply back up and go to one of your competitors.

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